Within the Keliso framework, a production is anything that can be
digitized, and more. The most obvious examples are recorded songs,
movies, or stories, but these are only the tip of the proverbial
iceberg. A production could be a poem, a technical manual, a blog on
investment tips, or journalistic reporting. It could be a program, or
revisions to programs; Keliso is designed to fund the development of
Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS). It could be pictures of flowers,
pictures of pets, or pictures of adult content; Keliso is designed to
support while at the same time segregating content not suitable for
children, or those who would rather not bother with it. A production
could be architectural drawings, or CAD/CAM designs. Keliso productions
don't even have to involve content at all, they could collect donations
for medical research or other charities. At its core, a Keliso
production is just a focus point for a community.
If there is
something that would benefit lots of people if it were
done/released/created, then a Keliso production can bring people
together to fund it.
What is Keliso?
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